The Pakistan Institute of Parliamentary Services held an interactive Post Budget Seminar for the honorable parliamentarians on Friday, 2nd June, 2017. The session was held at the Parliamentary Resource Centre, Parliament Lodges and honorable parliamentarians from both houses, Senate and National Assembly, were invited for the event. The programme included three keynote speeches by the following […]
The Provincial Assembly of Punjab hosted the annual Pre Budget Seminar organized by Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services and Subai EU Project for the Honorable Members of the Provincial Assembly of Punjab on May 23, 2017 in Members Cafeteria. Beginning with the recitation of the Holy Quran the seminar preceded the annual budget in the national […]
Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services organized a Pre-Budget Seminar for the Honorable Members of the Provincial Assembly of Sindh in the provincial capital on May 18, 2017. The event began with the recitation of the Holy Quran and Naat e Rasool e Maqbool (SAW). On behalf of the President PIPS BoG/Speaker National Assembly of Pakistan, Sardar […]
PIPS held its annual pre budget analysis seminar for MPs at Provincial Assembly of Balochistan on Monday, May 15th, 2017 in Quetta. The MPs termed it as a memorable exchange about prioritizing socio economic needs of masses with country’s leading experts. Former Chief Minister Dr Abdul Malik chaired the occasion as the Chief Guest and […]
The Pakistan Institute of Parliamentary Services, Islamabad, held an interactive Pre Budget Seminar for the Honorable Members of the Provincial Assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on Monday, May 15th, 2017 at the Jirga Hall, Provincial Assembly Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The PIPS Budget Desk has been conducting Pre Budget Seminars efficiently since the last four years. The PIPS […]
The institute organized a 3 day long National workshop for the honourable members and senior Secretariat officers from the National Parliament, four Provincial Assemblies as well as Legislative Assemblies of Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Jammu & Kashmir from May 10-12,2017. On day one, Former Speaker of the National Assembly of Pakistan, Honourable Syed Fakhar Imam made […]
Islamabad, May 10-12, 2017: 3-Day National Parliamentary Workshop on “The Role of Public Accounts Committee (PAC) in Effective Oversight” inaugurated at Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services. Participants from all the Provincial Assemblies as well as the Legislative Assemblies of AJK & GB participated in the workshop. The event has been designed to optimize the performance […]
In continuation of its prestigious tradition to hold annual seminar on Constitution Day in order to instill the significance of the Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973 among citizens, particularly the youth the Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services organized a Seminar on Constitution day on 10 April 2017 at its main campus in Islamabad. The event […]
Speaker National Assembly of Pakistan Sardar Ayaz Sadiq, inaugurated a 3-day training program titled “Training of Trainers (TOT): Parliamentary Studies Program” at Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services in the backdrop of declaration signed on February 9, 2015 to introduce parliamentary studies as a new discipline in universities. The programme is being well attended by around […]
A two-day workshop jointly organized by Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services & Westminster Foundation for Democracy commenced at Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services. The objective of the workshop is to enable participants with better understanding of Parliamentary Committees & improved understanding of the business of the house especially focusing on best practices in the Committee […]