
Training Workshop for Committee Staff of the Provincial Assembly of Balochistan.

In continuation of Pakistan institute for parliamentary Services’ (PIPS) initiative of building capacity of Committee Staff, second event was held for the committee staff of the Provincial Assembly of Balochistan, in collaboration with UNDP from March 5-6, 2018, at PIPS Islamabad Campus. The aim of the workshop was to share knowledge amongst the course participants with regards to their role in assisting the Parliamentary committees in effective oversight of executive, arranging briefs and preparing minutes. The program was inaugurated by the Executive Director PIPS Mr. Zafarullah Khan, followed by Welcome remarks by Mr. Darren Nance, Chief Technical Advisor, SELP, UNDP. Director Training, Ms. Samer Awais shared with the participants Program overview. First session of the day was about the Role of Secretary Committees, which was facilitated by former Secretary Senate of Pakistan, Mr. Iftikharullah Babar. He further shared with the participants the “The Dos and Don’ts of Writing Minutes in Parliamentary Committees”. The afternoon session was facilitated by Sheikh Sarfraz, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Law and Justice, who conducted a session on “How to minute debate on Bills”. On Day2, Mr. Babar facilitated a practicum session, which provided an opportunity to the participants to receive feedback on their Minutes Writing skills. Last session of the day was facilitated by Mr. Mushtaq Ahmad, Additional Secretary, the National Assembly of Pakistan, who shared with the participants best practices of National Assembly with regards to Committees’ Meetings and preparation of Working papers. The event concluded on March 06, 2018 with closing ceremony and the worthy Executive Director PIPS, Mr. Zafarullah Khan, distributed certificates amongst the course participants. In the end, course participants expressed their desire to run such events on a regular basis. In the end, Director Training, Ms. Samer Awais thanked UNDP and course participants for making this event a success.

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