
Orientation Programme for the Short-Term Interns of the National Assembly of Pakistan.

The Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services (PIPS) organised a two-day Orientation Programme for the Short-term Interns of the National Assembly of Pakistan from July 23- 24, 2018. The participants of the Orientation Programme included interns of the National Assembly of Pakistan and PIPS. The programme aimed at acquainting the participants with the Constitution of Pakistan, working of the Parliament and the Importance of Vote.

The program was inaugurated by the Executive Director PIPS, Mr. Zafar ullah Khan followed by round of introductions and program overview by Ms. Samer Awais, DG-PDP & I.T, PIPS. First session of the day was about the Parliament of Pakistan, which was facilitated by Justice Muhammad Raza Khan(R). He discussed at length legislative bodies in Pakistan. Special Secretary, National Assembly of Pakistan, Mr. Qamar Sohail Lodhi.  Was next to speak who, in an interactive session talked about the Constitution of Pakistan. The afternoon session was facilitated by Executive Director PIPS, Mr Zafarullah Khan who spoke about the significance of Democracy and Federalism. The day ended with a lively discussion on the importance of vote in upcoming elections.

On day two, Mr. Muhammad Fahd Amin, Legislative Consultant, PIPS, facilitated a session on the Legislative Process, which entailed information about the stages a legislative proposal or bill has to undergo, before being signed off as an Act and becoming a law in the country.  Second session of the day was about the importance of Parliamentary Research and its products. DG-Research & Legislation, PIPS, Mr. Muhammad Rashid Mafzool Zaka, facilitated the session and explained the concept of Parliamentary research; how was it different from other research products and other research products being used by honourable parliamentarians, e.g., Parliamentary briefs, position papers, research briefs.  Last session of the programme was facilitated by Joint Secretary, National Assembly of Pakistan, Syed Shamoon Hashmi, on Parliamentary Etiquette, Communication and Code of Conduct. The session ended with Q/A session in a charged and vibrant environment as young students asked some burning questions. The day ended with a vote of thanks by PIPS.

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