
Orientation Programme for the Interns of the National Assembly Secretariat Batch – II, August 8th – 9th, 2023.

In continuation to the Orientation programme for the interns of the National Assembly Secretariat batch I, Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services organized a two-day Programme for the second batch from 8th to 9th August 2023 at PIPS Campus, Islamabad. The Programme was attended by one hundred and six interns of the National Assembly Secretariat. The purpose of programme was to familiarize the young interns with basic knowledge of the Constitution of Pakistan and its framework, working of the Parliament as well as understanding the significance of Law making, Democracy and role of a Parliamentarian.

The Programme commenced with the recitation of the Holy Quran followed by a brief outline of the training explained by Ms. Mariam Ahsan, Deputy Director (PDP), PIPS. Mr. Muhammad Anwar, Executive Director, PIPS, in his welcome remarks, greeted the participants and explicitly shed light upon the significant topics that will be covered over the two day training.   The first session of the Programme was facilitated by Mr. Muhammad Rashid Mafzool Zaka (D. G. Research) PIPS on the working of the Parliament. This was followed by a session on the Constitution of Pakistan explained by Parliamentary Expert, Mr. Zafarullah Khan. The Constitution was further discussed at length by Democracy and Governance Expert, Mr. Ali Imran. The interns were apprised on Significance of Law making by Ms. Naveen Erum, Assistant Director (Legislative Drafting Council), National Assembly Secretariat. Day one of the training concluded with a session on overview on rules of procedure and use of oversight tools for effective governance presented by Mr. Waqas Ahmad Qureshi Director, PDP, PIPS.

Day two of the training commenced with a session on Parliamentary etiquette and workplace communication facilitated by Mr. Shehzad Saeed, Director (Media), National Assembly Secretariat. An Overview on Parliamentary Research products was explained by Mr. Wasim Gohar, Deputy Director (Research), National Assembly Secretariat. Guest speaker, Honourable Malik Muhammad Uzair Khan highlighted the challenges, role and responsibilities’ a Parliamentarian deals with in their day to day working. Director Training & Capacity Development, Election Commission of Pakistan, Mr. Sajid Ali shed light upon the significance of democracy and elections. Director General PDP. Ms. Mariam Ahsan, Deputy Director, PDP concluded the Orientation programme with farewell remarks, motivating the young interns to keep working diligently for a prosperous future of the country.

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