
PIPS Annual Report 2015-16

This report has been prepared to fulfill the statutory requirement under section 17 of PakistanInstitute for Parliamentary Services Act, 2008. The Act makes it mandatory for the Board ofGovernors to submit to the Parliament an annual report containing the activities of the Instituteduring a year. The command of the section is that the report shall […]

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Rationalizing Alternate Dispute Resolution in Pakistan, January 2016

The judiciary has an important role to maintain the balance in the society. But the courts are bound to follow the procedural law. Sometime, it takes much time to conclude the cases. This exercise of the courts in minor or small cases, the litigant suffers and spend more money and time to help the court […]

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Measures to Decrease Crisis of Governance and Susceptible Constitutionalism in Pakistan

Abstract The judiciary upholds the rule of law in the society being a guardian of the constitution.. The judiciary provides a forum not only to resolve disputes, through their decisions but also enforce laws in a fair manner. The judiciary is free to apply the law without regard to the government’s wishes or the public […]

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Role of Women Parliamentarians and Research Practices in Pakistan

The Parliamentary Elections for National as well as state legislators in 2008, proved to be a watershed for a greater, more informed and effective participation of women parliamentarians in Pakistan. This article is an appraisal of the evolving role of female parliamentarians, the constraints that they face and steps that can be taken to enhance […]

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