
Orientation Programme for the Young Parliamentary Officers (YPOs)

In order to strengthen the functional capacity of the newly recruited Young Parliamentary Officers, Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services organized a one-week Orientation programme from April 29 to May 6, 2019. The orientation programme aimed to inculcate comprehensive knowledge about the functions and working of PIPS. The programme covered a range of thematic sessions facilitated by PIPS officers affiliated with following departments of the institute; Parliamentary Development Programme & IT, Research and Legislation, HR & Administration, Finance, Project Development Unit and Internal Audit. The YPO’s had the opportunity to learn about the Constitution and working of the Parliament, fundamentals of parliamentary research, budgeting and funds allocation, legislative process, auditing, occupational health and safety, office correspondence, workplace ethics and essential IT skills. The orientation programme also covered enlightening sessions on self-actualization, positive thinking, team work and managing personal excellence. At the conclusion of the orientation, certificates of participation were distributed amongst the Young Parliamentary Officers.

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