
6th National Parliamentary Development Course.

November 4, 2019

Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services commenced its 6th National Parliamentary Development Course (NPDC) on 4th November 2019 for the parliamentary functionaries in grade 18 and 19, employed at the National Assembly, Senate Secretariat as well as Provincial and Legislative Assemblies’ Secretariat. The program commenced with the recitation of Holy Quran. Director General Parliamentary Development Program (PDP), Ms. Samer Awais formally welcomed the course participants and conducted a brief round of introductions. Afterwards, Assistant Director PDP, Ms. Mariam Ahsan & Mr. Taj Mohammad enlightened the audience about the design, module and assessment methodology of the program. Executive Director PIPS, Mr. Rashid Mafzool Zaka congratulated the officers for being nominated as course participants and deliberated over the importance of acquiring parliamentary knowledge. He emphasized on the importance of professionalism and work hard accompanied with honesty and diligence. 

The Honorable Chief Guest, Syed Fakhar Imam formally inaugurated the program by acknowledging the efforts put in by PIPS team in building the capacity of Parliamentary officers at par with international standards.  Furthermore, he highlighted the importance of attaining knowledge of parliamentary business and democracy. He believed that officers had the fundamental responsibility of assisting the parliamentarians for which extensive knowledge of the parliamentary process was essential and, highlighted few comparable practices of Parliamentary development being offered around the world particularly in UK and USA. He laid emphasis on equipping with latest research techniques in order to meet with the competitive environment of knowledge and skill. He also provided a brief introduction to the Constitution and discussed the importance of Taxation. Following that, Director General Parliamentary Development Program (PDP), Ms. Samer Awais conducted an interactive ice breaking session to introduce the participants to each other and to facilitate conversation amongst them. Afterwards, the first formal session of the course commenced with a detailed discussion on the structure and functions of Parliament under the guidance of Justice retired Muhammad Raza Khan.

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