
Seminar on Working of Parliament and PIPS Services for Students of St. Mary College Rawalpindi.

January 23, 2019 , ,

Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services hosted a delegation of 10 faculty members and 80 intermediate students of pre-medical, pre-engineering and ICom. in the Seminar on “Working of Parliament and PIPS Services” on Wednesday, 23rd January 2019. The visit culminated out of the desire on the part of senior management of the College to impart of knowledge of parliament and its working to the young generation. 

Executive Director PIPS, Mr. Zafarullah Khan, welcomed the participants and presented an introduction of the aims and objectives of the supreme legislative institution i.e. Parliament. Keeping in view the academic background of the participants he highlighted multiple metaphors to communicate the various aspects of Parliament in simple and understandable language. 

Mr. Muhammad Rashid Mafzool Zaka, Director General (Research & Legislation), conducted a detailed interactive session on “Working of Parliament and PIPS Service”. He reiterated the inspirations of Pakistan’s founding fathers, Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal, who envisioned a welfare state dedicated to provide quality standards of life to its citizens irrespective of any religious, cast or creed. 

During his talk he underscored the fundamentals of Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan 1973. He said that the constitution of Pakistan rests of four fundamental principles i.e. Islamic, federal, welfare and parliamentary democracy with independent non partisan judiciary. The Session concluded with Q&A segment, in which participants were provided with the opportunity to raise questions on subject matter. 

Mr. Farhan Habib, faculty St. Mary College, presented remarks as the Head of Delegation St. Mary College. He lauded the efforts of PIPS faculty to impart knowledge about parliament and constitution. He paid special tribute to all the great parliamentarians of Pakistan who worked tirelessly to build the nation on solid footings. He termed PIPS session as par international standards that make the youth feel proud to visit a parliamentary institution of such stature. 

Executive Director PIPS, Mr. Zafarullah Khan, presented shield to the Head of Delegation. The event ended with group photo which was moderated by Ms. Fakiha Mahmood, Research Officer PIPS. 

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