
Seminar of Plight of Women in Indian Held Kashmir (WPC and PIPS).

October 6, 2016

The Institute oranised a one day seminar on Plight of Women in Indian Held Kashmir in collaboration with Women Parliamentary Caucus. The session was chaired by Ms Shaista Pervez Malik, MNA and Secretary General, Women Parliamentary Caucus and participated by 15 MNAs, 17 Diplomats, members of civil society and 70 university students from Quaid e Azam University, Iqra University, Bahria University, Riplah University and ICAS School Islamabad. 

Mr Zafarullah Khan presented the welcome remarks and Ms Mishaal Malik, Kashmiri rights activitist and wife of Yaseen Malik, central leader of Kashmiri peoples right of self determination in Indian Held Kashmir, was the Chief Guest.Ms Mishaal Malik told the audience that More than 107 people have been killed and hundreds injured in clashes with security forces in last fortnight following the killing of popular freedom leader Burhan Wani, aged 22.   Curfew has been invoked without any break. People are facing acute shortage of food and daily amenities. Internet and Social media has been shut down by the so called secular democracy of India. In addition to presence of over 7 lac troops killing over 70,000 innocent Kashmiris since over a decade, more forces have been deployed. Indiscriminate firing of pellet bullets on innocent peaceful protesters has left hundreds blind and profusely injured. Ms Huma Chightai moderated the session. PIPS Team from Research and IT department Mr Muhammad Rashid Mafzool Zaka, Ms Tehseen Khalid, Mr Muhammad Nazir Khan and  Mr Muhammad Rizwan Manzoor,organised the event and also prepared a documentary on Plight of women in Indian Held Kashmir and role of Parliament of Pakistan and the leadership to support the just struggle of Kashmiris for self determination against opporession of state terrorism by India.

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