
Round Table of Experts on 1971 and Pakistan –Bangladesh Relations – People and Governments in Bangladesh at Institute of Strategic Studies.

September 3, 2015 ,

Mr Muhammad Rashid Mafzool Zaka, PIPS Director Research and IT, was invited as a key note Speaker at a round table of foreign policy analysts and think tanks hosted by Institute of Strategic Studies to discuss Pakistan’s foreign policy viz a viz relations with Bangladesh. Ambassador Masood Khan welcomed the panelists and the author of a new book launched at the occasion. Mr Zaka, Director Research and IT, informed the audience that country need to revive spirit of Pakistan Movement and the vision of Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah who emphasized a welfare Muslim State with country ensuring law and order, protection of life and property and equal opportunity for all especially masses (poor) and minorities. Mr Zaka stressed the need to strengthen Constitution, rule of law and parliamentary democracy whereas Pakistan should keep engaging people to people with Bangladesh and at the government to government level, there is consensus that we should deal with present regime with patience and look forward to respond when mutually both sides are ready to take forward the relations for promotion of peace and prosperity in the region. The double-standard of dictatorial regime of Gen Musharraf to remain silent on illegal construction of Baghliyar and Kishanganga dams by Bharat and compromises on principled stance of Pakistan on Kashmir were criticized as it undermined the national interest of the country.

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