
Orientation Programme for Interns of the National Assembly Secretariat

Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services organized a three day Orientation Programme for Interns of the National Assembly Secretariat from 3rd to 5th August 2022 at PIPS Campus, Islamabad. The Programme was attended by hundred interns of the National Assembly Secretariat. The purpose of the programme was to familiarize and acquaint the young interns of the National Assembly Secretariat with basic understanding of the functions of the Parliament, the concept of democracy and importance of effective governance.

The Programme commenced with the recitation of the Holy Quran followed by Welcome remarks by Executive Director PIPS, Mr. Muhammad Anwar. He welcomed the participants and hoped that through this Orientation they will develop a basic learning and understanding of the Parliament and its core functions. First introductory session of the Programme was conducted by Director PDP, Mr. Waqas Qureshi. This was followed by a session on understanding the constitution of Pakistan and its fundamental rights by Mr. Zafarullah Khan.

On the last day of the Orientation, Honourable Member National Assembly of Pakistan, Ms. Romina Khurshid Alam held an interactive session with the Interns on the topic “A day in the Life of a Legislator”. She highlighted the challenges, role and responsibilities’ a Parliamentarian faces in their day to day working. Director General PDP, Ms. Samer Awais concluded the Orientation with her closing remarks. She opined the young interns to stay positive and keep working towards a progressive future for the country.

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