
Knowledge Sharing Symposium on Human Rights for Officers of National Assembly, Senate and PIPS.

PIPS and IP3 EU jointly organized a week long knowledge sharing symposium on human rights which was attended by 20 participants including BS-18-20 officers of Senate, National Assembly and PIPS. Mr Hasan Nasir Mirbahar, senior experts IP3 and Mr Zulfiqar Shah from DRI discussed the international human rights covenants. On day two, Mr Muhammad Rashid Mafzool Zaka, PIPS Director Research and It conducted an interactive session on Constitutions and Human Rights Framework of Pakistan followed by a session on CEDAW and CRC by Mr Muhammad Aslam Waseem (Addl Director, legislation). On day three PIPS Director research and IT conducted a group activity on Pakistan’s performance viz a viz delivery of human rights in which four groups deliberated to conduct gap analysis and made absorbing presentations. Mr Zafar Ullah Khan, CEO Civic Education Pakistan, was invited by PIPS to speak on 18th amendment and role of provinces in Human rights, while on final day Ms Valerie Khan GDP and Mr Salim Malik (CEO Bedari) were engaged by IP3 European Union team to discuss child rights, issues of child marriages and legislative reforms agenda. Mr Mehmood Salim Mehmood, Executive Director, PIPS presided the final day proceedings and distributed certificates among course participants. The Executive Director highlighted the importance of leading role by the Parliament and MPs in securing human rights to all Pakistanis.

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