
House and Committee Business: Responsibilities and Functions of the Officers and staff of the Secretariat in Gilgit Baltistan Assembly. 10th to 14th October, 2022

Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services (PIPS) organized a week long on-job training for the officers and staff of the Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) Assembly Secretariat from 10th to 14th October, 2022 at the Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) Assembly Secretariat. The objective of the workshop was to enable the Secretariat officers and staff to have a better understanding of the House and Committee Business: Responsibilities and Functions of the Officers.

The programme commenced with the recitation of the Holy Quran followed by a brief round of introduction from the workshop participants by Mr. Shahab Khan, Assistant Director, Parliamentary Development Programme (PDP). Mr. Abdul Razzaq, Secretary GB Assembly, thanked PIPS functionaries and acknowledged their efforts for arranging the workshop. Worthy Executive Director, Mr. Muhammad Anwar welcomed the participants, and briefly gave an overview of the training to the participants. He highlighted key themes and programme details planned for the four day workshop. Mr. Anwar commenced the first session on Rules, Provisions, Practices and Responsibilities of Parliamentary Staff in connection with Questions. He elaborated on the function and role of the Honourable Members which comprises of representation, legislation, policy guidelines and oversight emphasizing that “Executive is answerable before the august House”. Furthermore, he also discussed the responsibilities of the Assembly staff which are provision of assistance to the Assembly, Speaker, Committees and Members. Government, private and Assembly business are main classes of House business. There are main two types of Assembly business like legislative and non-legislative. After that he thoroughly discussed the Question from non-legislative tools. The day ended with a practical session designed for the Secretariat officers that was convened by Mr. Muhammad Anwar.

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