
Budget Workshop for Parliamentary Reporters

As per guidance by the Honourable Chairman Senate/ President PIPS Board of Governors, Institute held a two day pre budget workshop with over 35 parliamentary reporters in collaboration with Parliamentary Reporters Association. The workshop was addressed by the Honourable Chairman Senate Mian Raza Rabbani as Chief Guest who inaugurated the absorbing budget workshop and acknowledged the initiative by the PIPS Executive Director and faculty. Mr Muhammad Mushtaq JS National Assembly gave a presentation on Constitution and Budget and Parliamentary practices on day one while Chairperson of NA Standing Committee Finance, Privitazation and Statistics MNA Omer Ayub Khan conducted an absorbing session on Budget process in Pakistan followed by group work and technical presentation on reading budgte documents by PIPS Budget Desk, Mr Muhammad Adnan Azeem, Deputy Director Budget analysis. Mr Muhammad Siddqiue Sajid, President PRA, Mr Mahmood Salim Mahmood , Dxecutive Director and Mr Behzad Saleemi, SVP, PRA also spoke on closing ceremony where MNA Omer Ayub Khan distributed certificates among participants. Ms Samer Awais, Director Training PIPS conducted the programme as master of ceremony.

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